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The Word Has Spread...

“...The place to indulge in dark passions is Lazar’s Chocolate in Great Neck.” —Florence Fabricant, N.Y. Times

“Richard Lazar knows the sweet smell of success - Literally.” —People Magazine

“We were like vultures...we couldn’t believe how delectable that chocolate was.” —Joan Hamburg, WOR Radio

“If you’ve ever dreamed of wanting to live in a chocolate factory, Lazar’s has to be it. Five minutes of simply sniffing the marvelous aromas at this shop-factory will give you an indescribable chocolate high.” —Barbara Rader, Newsday

“One of the sweetest places in New York.” —Sarah Hughes, Olympic Gold Medalist

“One bite of his rich chocolates will make you feel like Jean Harlow reclining on satin sheets, or some 1920’s tycoon bringing a rare offering to his lady.” —Helene Herzig, North Shore Magazine

“Lazar’s Chocolate has been an integral part of the Great Neck community bringing smiles to the faces of both young and old with its familiar sweet treats.” —Tom DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller

“They [the chocolates] looked and smelled so delicious that it would take tremendous self control to keep ones hands at their side and leave the store without snitching one.” —Great Neck Chamber of Commerce S.I.G.N. post: Vol. 1-Issue 4

Also featured on The Late Show with David Letterman and ABC TV’s “New York Holiday.”